How safe do you feel in your living spaces that are surrounded by live wires - some visible while most of them hidden in concealed wiring?
Though the modern age grants us many ways of fire suppression and hazard control, prevention will always remain the remedy against threats to life and property. With three times the protection that ordinary Cables offer, SecureX comes with Triple layered Insulation, a core made of the purest grade of copper, a base insulation of 105°C rating and excessive overload withstanding capacity.
TRIPLE LAYER INSULATION FOR TRIPLE PROTECTION SecureX Cables come with a unique triple layer insulation to ensure three times the protection - a one of its kind feature unique to SecureX wires
105°C BASE INSULATION The base layer consist of 105°C temperature rating as against the 70°C of any ordinary cable. The middle and top layers are exceptionally flame retardant (FR). SecureX thus ensures Triple protection of your life and property.
PURE COPPER - PUREST TO THE CORE At the core of SecureX Cables is the highest purity Electrolytic Grade Copper as against lower grade copper used in ordinary cables that offer poor conductivity. With greater than 100% conductivity as per IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard), the energy losses are minimal resulting in lower power bills
PURE PVC INSULATION Pure, superior grade PVC resin and compounding ingredients are used to produce the in-house specially formulated and tailor-made PVC compound for each type of cable that has higher insulation resistance, thermal stability and exceptional fire retarding properties. The purity inside ensures safety, reliability and long cable life.

With over 50 years of experience in electrical solutions, we understand the importance of cables in electrical installation, as it connects various devices and appliances. The most important criterion for a cable is its suitability for a particular application and level of Safety and Protection. This is why we have 3 distinct categories of cable, ranging from normal/regular to the special use as opposed to `one solution for all' approach, and guarantee effective Safety.

SecureX Cables are manufactured on the state-of-the-art insulating lines employing the most advance technology for its perfectly bonded triple layer insulation.
The first Heat Resistant Flame Retardant (HRFR) layer primarily tackles heat generation caused by current flow. It also possesses flame retarding properties. The middle and top FR (Flame Retardant) layers fight and retard the fire propagation in the event of an accidental fire.
The HRFR PVC layer withstands temperature rise up to 105°C which may be caused due to excessive power draw, voltage fluctuation or spike. In addition, it acts as barrier to excessive heat transfer to the FR middle and top layer.

At the core of SecureX Cables is the highest purity Electrolytic Grade Copper as against lower grade copper used in ordinary cables that offer poor conductivity. With greater than 100% conductivity as per IAC (International Annealed Copper Standard), the energy losses are minimal resulting in lower power bills

Made with best grade imported ZHFR insulation, SecureX Ultra Cables guarantee absolute zero emission of smoke and harmful toxic gases like halogen in an event of fire. Thus, SecureX Ultra Cables are best suited for superior safety of residential and commercial complexes, theatres, metro railways, chemical and nuclear plants, high security and defence installations, etc.
With a highly flexible class 5 conductor and specially designed Flame Retardant (FR) flexible PVC insulation compound that imparts exceptional flexibility, these cables can be used in confined and constricted spaces. Our flexible cables assure maximum stretch endurance and zig zag /sharp hairpin bends without any stress to the insulation.